
For the past few months, I have been throwing around the idea of starting a blog.  I have been mentally journaling my fitnessgoals: both the goals I have accomplished and the ones I still have yet to reach.  My only class of the day was cancelled, so I now have the time to sit down and make this blog idea into a reality!

I always considered myself to be in decent shape (I was by NO MEANS a fitness model); but, I was the average weight for my height and age.  However, three years ago, I went through a lift changing experience.  My boyfriend, at that time, and I got pregnant.  We were both so young and completely incapable of taking care of ourselves, let alone a child.  We made the decision to place our baby for adoption.  He and I found the perfect family for him.  They now have been his amazing, loving parents for 2.5 years. :) That experience changed everything about me, including my body.

People constantly warned me how hard it was to work off the baby weight, but I am a very head strong individual and I was convinced I would be able work it off and do it quickly! However, that was not the case! During my pregnancy, I gained……..40 POUNDS!!! Let me repeat that……40 pounds.  In other words, I gained ENTIRELY too much weight.  Needless to say, post pregnancy, I was slightly overweight (not obese by any means, but I definitely did not have the body I wanted).

My quest for fitness began about 2 years ago when I joined a gym for the FIRST TIME.  That was a terrifying experience.  Luckily, my boyfriend is a member of the same gym so he let me follow him around to show me how to properly use the equipment.  (I probably looked like a little lost puppy.) Despite going to the gym regularly, I didn’t start TRULY caring about working out and dieting until a year ago.  I wish there was some wonderful, inspiring story as to why I began caring, but there isn’t.

I started researching more on dieting and exercise and began making improvements in both areas. I am now a member of Team Bombshell, one of the most elite bikini, figure, and fitness training teams. In July, I competed in the bikini division in my very first NPC show, The Southern States Championships.  I will be competing again in November at The Eastern USAs in New York City!! Working day by day to earn that pro card along with earning my degree in Nutrition and Food Science. I am slowly finding out that it is possible to do what you love with your life.   I will use this blog to post everything fitness, nutrition and endorphin related :)



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